We can smell spring popping up at every corner, and with that means SPRING BREAK! And, for that lucky bunch of you, Spring Break means TRAVEL… with kids! We’ve been there and done that, and know that hitting the road (or air) with the little ones can be stressful!
Below, you can check out some tips we’ve picked up along that way that we hope can help you in your travels! May you find more happiness than stress on your adventures, and enjoy a safe and stress-free traveling experience!
Travel 101 (for any type of travel):
Allow Extra Time
When traveling with kids, you’ve got to allow plenty of extra time for unexpected delays. The unpredictability of little ones will stress you out much less if you give yourself ample time.
Over Prepare
Bring a change of clean and dry clothes for your child, and for yourself, if you have the room. Don’t learn this little tip the hard way!
Always travel with essential medical items for your children that you may find yourself unexpectedly needing. (Pain Reliever/ Fever Reducer/ Diaper Rash Ointment)
Keep wet wipes accessible at all times. There are more reasons than we can count where you will be glad that you did!
Come prepared with plenty of snacks/drinks your child prefers, and store them in an easy to access place. If you are traveling with more than one child, bring separate bags for each child to prevent fighting!
Equip yourself with empty zip top bags for all your traveling needs. You will be glad you have them if you find yourself with unfortunately soiled clothing or garbage that needs a place for storing. They also work wonders when trying to keep a travel bag organized.
App time is happy time! Of all times to splurge with screen time for your kids, traveling just may be the best time! Avoid cumbersome toys and activities with small electronics stocked with a variety of drawing/learning/reading apps to keep restlessness at bay for a while.
For the tiny ones, come equipped with small attention-grabbing toys (stickers, pipe cleaners, foam paint brushes, teething rings, and finger puppets). Take toys out one-by-one so that you can get maximum use out of them before moving on to other toys.
Tips for Air Travel:
Most airlines let parents traveling with young children board early. If available, the very front seat can be a very convenient place to sit with children.
Use a backpack as your carry-on bag. Not only can it hold a lot of gear, it also has lots of compartments, and it’s easy to carry- leaving your hands free.
Gate- Check a lightweight stroller so that it will be waiting for you as you exit the plane post flight.
Changing cabin pressure during a flight causes temporary changes in middle ear pressure and can trigger ear pain in little ones. To equalize pressure and eliminate ear pain, encourage your child to suck on a bottle or pacifier during takeoff and landing.
Tips for Car Travel
If baby sleeps well in the car- consider planning your travel time to coincide with their nap/bedtime.
Pick out tunes that you and baby can enjoy.
Place a mirror on the back of the seat that the child is facing.
Link a row of plastic baby chains from one side of the backseat to the other. Clip new soft, lightweight toys onto the chain.
Purchase window shades to provide a darker, more comfortable nap taking environment.
To keep the car clean, head to Ikea and grab their Flört Remote Control Pockets ($4.99). They fit perfectly under a car seat and provide excellent storage pockets for snacks and activities!