As dependent as I’ve become on my phone… it’s no surprise that one of the first things I did after discovering my latest pregnancy was to head over to the app store to browse my pregnancy options! The apps vary a bit from format to tools, but one thing they all have in common is that they are incredibly useful to have at your fingertips! No longer do I find myself clinging to my pregnancy reference book, and these apps have given me some awesome options for journaling my pregnancy happenings week by week.
There are so many great tools out there…here are four of the best pregnancy apps that I’ve found!
(*Note: I try not play favorites, so all of these apps are available for both iPhones and Androids!)

What to Expect

Just like the trusted “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” books, this app covers just about everything expectant parents need to know. With daily and weekly trackers, fetal development photos/videos, and a photo journaling option… probably my most favorite feature is the daily health tips and articles that the app provides.
Pregnancy ++
This app has endless features to help you through your forty weeks! In addition to the vast information it provides, it also is a great organizational tool with appointment logs, packing guides, and pregnancy journal. There’s even a “Kick Counter” feature!
My Pregnancy Today
This app, developed by Baby Center, has one of my favorite visual layouts of all the apps I’ve tried! It keeps you posted on the week by week happenings in your pregnancy, and has an easy to use feature called the Birth Club, which allows you to interact with other women about pregnancy questions. It’s also got a “Bumpie” section to store your weekly bump selfies, and helpful baby registry checklists and product search options.
Happy Pregnancy Ticker

With a super handy and easy format, this app has awesome tips/facts and great options for journaling every detail of your pregnancy. It has useful features- like a contraction timer, and some of the most detailed info about your baby’s development and your pregnancy at a glance.