Decorating Your Home For Autumn

SOURCE: Martha Stewart Living Magazine

I love decorating for the different seasons and for the holidays! 

But I also really don’t like clutter… Or the endless stacks of plastic storage bins that can sometimes accompany lots of seasonal décor.

So even though, without fail, you will find my home reflecting the various seasons & holidays, it is always done pretty simply and inexpensively, and with things that typically don’t require a long-term commitment (ie a storage bin home for 11 months of the year!)

During these autumn months, I can’t get enough of the beautiful New England countryside. The air is so crisp, the trees are so vibrantly colored and the sky takes turns being brilliant blue and cozy grey throughout the week. 

This autumn feeling has me really excited about adding a few fall touches to the inside of our home…just a few things that will help bring that crisp and cozy autumn feeling inside!

Autumn idea #1. 


SOURCE: Herz-Allerliebst

Idea number one. Load up baskets full of pretty seasonal produce. Of course, a perfect choice during the autumn is apples. 

Baskets of apples masquerade as decorations, but in reality, using seasonal produce is one of the most practical decorating tips ever! 

Use your baskets of apples in your children’s lunches or to make caramel apples or apple crisp, and just keep replenishing the basket every time you pass a fruit stand. 


Autumn idea #2. 



SOURCE: Stone Gable

With the days starting to get a little chill in the air, it’s always nice to have a blanket nearby. A plaid blanket is a cozy autumn addition to your home, but will also look good through the rest of fall and winter. This decorating item has got some good stamina so it’s worth a little investment!


Autumn idea #3. 


SOURCE: Lindsey Ocker Photography

Make good use of all those gorgeous autumn pictures you are posting on instagram! Print out a few of your favorites and put them in frames around your home. 


Autumn idea #4. 


SOURCE: Gillar Girl

I can’t help myself. I love piles of pumpkins. Not sure if it’s because of that vivid image in my mind as I was reading Harry Potter for the first time--with all the pumpkins floating around in the dining hall--or what(!), but I love a pretty pile of pumpkins!


Autumn idea #5. 


SOURCE: Thistlewood Farm

On Sunday afternoons, we love to go for long drives, especially during these early autumn months. 

We always make one or two stops along the way to gather branches that are covered in colorful leaves or berries and even branches that are bare. They each have their own beauty. 

When we arrive back home, we stick these branches in pots and vases throughout the house (if the branches have leaves on them still, add a little water to the pot or vase.)

The perfect way to say “Welcome Fall!”


INSTAGRAM: gillargirl




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